Jason Etheridge phasefx at gmail.com
Tue May 20 14:40:55 EDT 2008

> Hi, I need to know how could I make a barcode in evergreen, I have a
> evergreen client,and through the client in windows xp I can get access
> to evergreen server

Hi David,

Assuming you're wanting to add a barcoded item to the system:

In the staff client, if you go to the Record Summary page for a title,
there will be a drop-down called "Actions for this Record".

>From there choose "Holdings Maintenance".

The select your library/organization in the tree-structure you see in
that interface, and either right-click on that row or open the
"Actions for Selected Rows"

Select "Add Volumes".  Under "#1 of volumes", enter 1 and press enter.
 Then enter a call number (a label describing where the item "lives")
and press enter.  Then under "# of Copies" enter 1 and press enter.
Then enter your barcode.  Select "Edit then Create".  Then select
"Create Copies" and you're done.

Let me know if this helps!

Jason Etheridge
 | VP, Community Support and Advocacy
 | Equinox Software, Inc. / The Evergreen Experts
 | phone: 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
 | email: jason at esilibrary.com
 | web: http://www.esilibrary.com

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