[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Google embeddable book search?

Grant Johnson fgjohnson at upei.ca
Wed Oct 1 16:24:02 EDT 2008

UPEI programmer,  Alex O'Neill, has done this in his VM evergreen image.
 I expect it will be live @ http://islandpines.roblib.upei.ca soon.

We're using Google book covers and adding a "tab" to the full record based on whether further content is available or not.
Alex my pipe in....

F. Grant Johnson
  Systems Coordinator
  Robertson Library
  University of Prince Edward Island
>>> Lynne Welch <welchly at oplin.org> 10/01/08 4:55 PM >>>
I just came across this blog posting

and was wondering if such a thing would work in the Evergreen PAC, and 
how difficult it would be to implement?

We used to contract for Syndetic to provide book covers and 
summaries/reviews and our readers really enjoyed being able to carry a 
mental image of the cover to the shelf, but Syndetic's quality control 
left quite a bit to be desired; links frequently led to the wrong items.

This is billed as "an open set of APIs," which leads me to believe it 
*may* work, but then again I'm still trying to understand some of the 
underlying differences between a Windows-based system (our current ILS) 
and an open-source one such as Evergreen.

Technical details, if anyone would care to investigate, are here: 

intrigued by the concept but sadly uninformed as to the practicalities <g>

Lynne Welch
Herrick Memorial Library
Wellington OH USA

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