Cathyk231 at aol.com Cathyk231 at aol.com
Mon May 4 20:44:00 EDT 2009

Thank you for the speedy reply!  I suppose your reasons have valid  merit 
but then why can one system do this and not Greenleaf ...is my beef.   I 
don't care if it "shifty"....all I know is if I'm 3rd in line or 68 in line I  
can expect the length of wait.  Of course I was often pleasantly surprised  
to see a book become available when I was perhaps 20th in line....I don't  
cae...I just appreciate getting the book...whenever!
The biggest benefit to the queue IMO is that I can reserve other lesser  
popular titles when I know I won't be flooded with too many others I've  
Again, thanks for your reply.
BTW, is there a forum where I can read others' comments, questions,  etc.?
**************Remember Mom this Mother's Day! Find a florist near you now. 
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