Amy Terlaga terlaga at biblio.org
Sat Oct 3 12:52:12 EDT 2009

I guess I was thinking more of the latter, but I don't think the  
repository should be limited to just simple SQL query examples.  It  
could be organized by topic, e.g., patrons, items, holds, etc.

There actually already exists a model out there.  The SirsiDynix users  
group had the SQL Bloodbank (website), that later became a centrally  
managed wiki for these SQL queries.

Melissa, my email address --  terlaga at biblio.org.  Thanks for sending  
along some of yours.

Middlebury, CT

Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 10:14:50 -0300
From: "Melissa Belvadi" <mbelvadi at upei.ca>
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] ***SPAM*** Re: SQL Repository?
To: "Evergreen Discussion Group"
    <open-ils-general at list.georgialibraries.org>
Message-ID: <4AC7241A.86CB.008D.0 at groupwise.upei.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I agree with Dan about it being pretty broad. But there might be some  
basic samples that we could share, to offer "best practices".
For instance, when crossing tables, there are two ways - to use "join"  
or two use explicit "ands" to connect the corresponding columns.
I've done it both ways but notice that when we get sql scripts from  
Equinox, they always use the "join" syntax, so I'm starting to switch.
Maybe the first thing to establish is whether the intent is to provide  
complex canned scripts for common functions run regularly, like  
Conifer's perl scripts, or shorter examples that help to demonstrate  
the relational structure of the tables for use in making quick one-off  
queries in something like pgadmin.
Amy, I'd be happy to send you some examples of the latter, if you give  
me your email address.

Melissa Belvadi

Sent from my iPhone
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