[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] How can we delete Org Units with SQL for EG 2.0 beta3

Repke de Vries repke at xs4all.nl
Wed Dec 1 13:39:12 EST 2010

Hi all

this is a repost of a previous thread [1] now focussing on the  

deleting Organisational Units is different in 2.0 from 1.6 and can  
not be achieved through the Staff Client.

The only information how to do it directly in the database with SQL  
comes from 1.6 documentation [2] and does indeed not work for 2.0:  
this is what I get back in psql:
evergreen=# delete from actor.org_unit where shortname = 'BR4' ;
ERROR:  update or delete on table "org_unit" violates foreign key  
constraint "org_address_org_unit_fkey" on table "org_address"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(7) is still referenced from table "org_address".

Can someone tell me what I should do (this will also help 2.0 DIG  

Either exclusively SQL or in some combination with the Staff Client  
Administrator functionality?

Thanks, Repke, IISH


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