[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Web site goals and requirements

Kathy Lussier klussier at masslnc.org
Fri Dec 17 12:53:52 EST 2010

Hi all,

Hearing no other suggested changes on the second draft of the Evergreen web
site strategic goals and requirements that were posted to the list earlier
this week, the Evergreen Web Site Planning Team is prepared to move forward
with the goals as written below. The team will be working off of these goals
and requirements as it proceeds with the next steps of the web site planning

Strategic Goal #1: Provide an easy-to-use, comprehensive portal supporting
the community of Evergreen users, future users, and developers

      Requirement: Provide a community platform to help foster relationships
between and among existing and future Evergreen users, libraries, and
      Requirement: Provide a centralized location, as appropriate, for
Evergreen feature information, documentation, and software downloads.
      Requirement: Provide a searchable directory of willing Evergreen
community members and mentors.
      Requirement: Enable more effective indexing and searching across
Evergreen online properties

Strategic Goal #2: Support growth of a healthy developer community

      Requirement: Provide additional effective platforms, where
appropriate, for Evergreen developers to communicate with each other and
with Evergreen users
      Requirement: Provide technical information needed by current and
future Evergreen developers
      Requirement: Provide a mechanism for Evergreen users to share
development plans, co-sponsor development projects, and learn how to submit
development requests and bug reports
      Requirement: Provide opportunities for developers to get
acknowledgement for their efforts on behalf of the Evergreen community.

Strategic Goal #3: Facilitate development of multi-faceted support network
for Evergreen users.

      Requirement: Provide an effective platform that allows for multiple
Evergreen support channels and relationships
      Requirement: Provide a directory of entities providing services to
Evergreen users.
      Requirement: Ensure the barrier is low for communicating directly with
developers and other Evergreen users

Strategic Goal #4: Help encourage widespread adoption of Evergreen by the
library community worldwide.

      Requirement: Provide a centralized location for information about
Evergreen news and information
      Requirement: Provide evaluation, comparison, funding, and
migration-related information for potential Evergreen implementers

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to this process.

Happy holidays!

Evergreen Web Site Planning Team

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 756-0172
(508) 755-3721 (fax)
klussier at masslnc.org
IM: kmlussier (AOL & Yahoo)
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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