[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] How to translate facet labels in Evergreen 2.1.1?

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Sun Dec 4 18:08:42 EST 2011

Hi Linda:

On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Linda Jansova <skolkova at chello.cz> wrote:
> Dan, thanks a lot for your quick and precise answer :-)! We have followed
> your recommendations and succeeded in making facets look correct in Czech -
> as you can see in the attached picture :-).
> One more tiny little question - is it possible to translate the "More..."
> button which appears in case more items belonging to facets are available,
> yet not presented to the user straightaway?

Yes, that string comes from the Searcher.js set of strings at
Open-ILS/web/js/dojo/openils/widget/nls/cs-cz/Searcher.js - but
similar to the database strings, ultimately they're fed into the
process from http://translations.launchpad.net/evergreen - which
appears to have had fully translated strings since August 2011. Hmm.

<insert investigation noises>

Unfortunately, it looks like the translated strings haven't been
updated in our source repo - there's
nobuild/i18n/po/Searcher.js/cs-CZ.po file, so all that's in 2.1.1 is a
copy of the English strings. This is my fault, as I updated the
strings in September 2011 but appear to have missed bringing over
brand new files that were added :(

If you haven't guessed, the process of pulling updated strings from
Launchpad and pushing them into our git repo, and the reverse process
of updating new and changed strings in Launchpad, has not been
automated. The whole git / bzr divide is a bit of a pain to cross, and
Launchpad uses different locale codes that Evergreen does, so getting
it automated would be awesome.


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