[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Metarecords and copy numbers

Kevin Kierans kevink at tnrdlib.bc.ca
Wed Sep 14 14:06:59 EDT 2011


Before we migrated to Evergreen we painfully separated our paperbacks and hardcovers into separate bib records.  Until then we'd attached paperbacks and hardcovers to the same bib record because, all things considered (the hold queue and patron satisfaction),  this made sense.  But (we thought) with meta-records and advanced holds, we could allow patrons to choose what they wanted to include when they place their holds.

Except, in our consortium, meta-holds included things (formats and copies) from other libraries outside our org unit, things the patron was never going to get, because we don't lend between org units.  Unhappy confused patrons.  So we turned it off.

But it's still a good idea.  Holds are a big part of our business here.  And if meta-records can be tuned so you can include or not certain formats, and if holds can "respect" org boundaries, then we 'd like to see it back.


TNRD Library (part of Sitka)
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