Ben Shum bshum at biblio.org
Tue Aug 21 16:20:40 EDT 2012

Hi Lori,

I'll give it a shot...

On 08/21/2012 03:02 PM, Lori Bowen Ayre wrote:
> Can someone tell me the answers to the following questions related to 
> the OPAC?


> Can patrons can print a list of the items they have checked out with 
> respective due dates from their library account.

Kind of.  One could print off the my account page showing all the items 
checked out and due dates, etc.  But if they're really asking for some 
sort of link / button to generate a nicer formatted list of content to 
be printed, then no, not yet.

> Can patrons choose to print receipts or get a receipt sent to their 
> email address.

Kind of.  If we're talking about during the checkout process, staff can 
either close out of the circ window (no receipt) or print a final 
receipt for patrons.  Emailing receipts was discussed in the past, and I 
think someone was looking into action/triggers to do that, but I'm not 
sure if that's gone anywhere yet.

> Does the system support 3rd party reading lists
It might be helpful to have some specific examples of 3rd party reading 
list technologies that might be included?  We're not using any, so I 
couldn't comment on that.

> Can you customize empty search results screens?

I would expect that it's possible to alter the empty results message 
strings, but haven't tried it myself.

> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Lori Bowen Ayre //
> Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
> Oversight Board & Communications Committee / Evergreen
> (707) 763-6869 // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com <mailto:Lori.Ayre at galecia.com>
> Availability: http://tungle.me/lori.ayre <http://tungle.me/lori.ayre>
> Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID, filtering,
> workflow optimization, and materials handling
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Benjamin Shum
Open Source Software Coordinator
Bibliomation, Inc.
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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