[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Keyword Search using TCN

Jayaraj JR jayaraj at iisertvm.ac.in
Thu Dec 6 04:37:47 EST 2012

Dear Sir,

In Evergreen 2.2.2 , how can we search the tcn in the keyword field.

When we were using the version the field 001 is used as both
barcode (Accession ID) of the record. We were able to search the 001 field.
After updating to the 2.2.2 version whenever a record is open in the marc
editor, the field 001 automatically changes to record id and a new field
901 is generated. Our Accession Id is different from becord id because, we
maintain a separate pattern for gift books.

Is it possible to search the barcode in the keyword field

With Best Regards,

Jayaraj J. R.
Library Information Assistant
IISER Thiruvananthapuram
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