[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Proposing the 2012 Evergreen Hack-A-Way

Justin Hopkins justin at mobiusconsortium.org
Thu Jul 12 01:19:46 EDT 2012

Or how about Hack Camp? We all go out in the woods with just our tents, laptops, solar panels, and satellite internet connections… *ducks for cover*

Seriously though Rogan, I love the idea.


On Jul 11, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Tara Robertson wrote:

> This is an awesome idea. 
> You might want to check out CurateCamp, something that the digital library folks have been doing for a few years for some inspiration on format and how to keep costs down: http://curatecamp.org
> I think they usually do it at a university over the summer to keep things really cheap. I recall that participants stay in dorms and the total cost for everything was about $50 (can't remember if it included basic food stuff). If someone at a university (with a dorm) in a city that's an airport hub offered to host, it could be pretty cheap. 
> Cheers,
> Tara
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:23 AM, <rogan.hamby at yclibrary.net> wrote:
> Proposing the 2012 Evergreen "Hack-A-Way"
> As we closed out the last Evergreen conference the Oversight Committee discussed looking at new ways to promote the common interests of the community.  As everyone knows, the Evergreen community is fairly young and as it grows the Oversight Committee is finding it's way.  The Oversight Committee began as a way to put Evergreen's assets in the community's hands and facilitate the local hosting of the annual conference.  Today, I would like to introduce a proposal for another task we would like to take upon ourselves and for which I volunteer myself.
> I call it the Hack-A-Way, both because the goal is to facilitate hacking away at the code and as a pun off a getaway.  In short, the goal is to provide an opportunity, at the midway point each year between conferences, for developers to meet in person and to continue the momentum they develop at the conference.  This goal came directly out of the developer community, who find in person collaboration is extremely useful.
> And frankly, promoting this labor benefits everyone.  This can not be under stated.  I speak for the Oversight Committee when I say this is a good idea.  I speak for myself when I say this is a wonderful idea.
> So, how do we make this happen?
> I'm proposing a combination of use of a host's resources and soliciting funds for this project.  A working group is forming with some from the Oversight Committee and some from the hosting site (once it's selected).
> So, is this like a developer conference?
> No.  This will be much more low key, more motel than hotel and more take out than fine dining.  There won't be seminars or classes, unless they spontaneously come out of the developers themselves.  However, I will ask for a local coordinator and ask for proposals from those willing to host it.  Those interested in hosting should send me an email stating their interest and what they can provide (even meeting room space with Internet is valuable) and who from their location can work with us.  The most qualified hosting site will be selected and we will work with them to select dates.
> How big are we talking?
> We're talking fairly small at first, though the more developers who can attend on their own dimes and the more grants we can give out will increase it's size I'm sure.  The developer community itself isn't very large.  Really, they do a lot of work relative to their size.  This first year we may be looking at anywhere from half a dozen to two dozen.  Hopefully, in future years with more time to prepare we can grow it a little bit and I'm sure ideas will come out of the developer community to use the event to it's fullest advantage.
> Isn't this basically a hackfest?
> Yes.  I'm suggesting a name because as we go for sponsorships having an identifiable name is useful and the term hackfest is used very generically.
> So, what would funds go to?
> Everyone able to afford their own expenses would be expected to.  Ideally, otherwise grants would be given out to help cover travel, food and lodging.  How many expenses we can cover will be determined by the number of sponsorships we can gather and the more we have attend the more sponsors we can probably solicit from.  Any excess funds will go the community pool.
> How would we qualify people?
> Well, other than requiring that it be developers, we haven't figured that out yet.  But doubling up on rooms is encouraged.
> What else will money be spent on?
> Not much, but I do hope to supply them with copious amounts of caffiene so assume a snacks and refreshment budget.  Awake coders are productive coders.
> Can non-developers attend?
> This is something we really need feedback from the development community on but the goal at this time is for this to be an event for those who contribute code to Evergreen and perhaps others active in the technical community, not to make it a mini conference.
> So, where will this money come from?
> Our goal is to seek sponorships for the event.  Individual donors can certainly give small amounts but we also hope that Evergreen related businesses and large institutions will be willing to buy sponorships since this work directly benefits them.  The hat will get passed around.   We will provide sponsorship levels and we will be working on finding ways to provide exposure for those willing to pay for higher level sponsorships and thus provide an incentive for donors to dig deep.
> - Rogan Hamby

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