[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Evergreen & Software Performance Analysis

Jason Stephenson jstephenson at mvlc.org
Fri Mar 1 10:16:43 EST 2013

I just want to point out that the purpose of this email chain and the  
page on the dokuwiki  
are not to provide detailed or actionable bug reports. The point is  
for people to indicate where they perceive there to be issues with  
Evergreen so that these can be the focus of attention in a performance  

Launchpad is the place for detailed bug reports. I know that the more  
details that are provided in a bug report the better, but this thread  
is not about bug reports.

I don't want anyone to be discouraged from participating in this  
discussion because they don't feel that they can report all the  
details of what is happening or can point to the line of code causing  
the problem.

Jason Stephenson
Assistant Director for Technology Services
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
Chief Bug Wrangler, Evergreen ILS

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