[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] SMS setup for consortium--all at once?

Lazar, Alexey Vladimirovich alexey.lazar at mnsu.edu
Thu Mar 7 16:14:15 EST 2013

On 2013-03-07, at 13:27 , Aaron Zsembery <azsembery at pls-net.org> wrote:

> On 7 March 2013 "Kathy Lussier" <klussier at masslnc.org> wrote:
>> However, if you have a different tpac template for the library that
>> wants SMS, maybe you can hide the SMS options in the template for
>> your other libraries? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking there are
>> three places where you would need to hide SMS: the record page where
>> you have the option to text the call number, the place hold page,
>> and the myopac notification preferences page.
> TPAC does that automatically in our 2.2 install, but it would get confusing for patrons.
> For example, if Library B has SMS turned on, but Library A has it turned off, if a patron from Library B goes to Library A, does a search for items available at Library A, then tries to place a hold, it will not show the SMS options. On the other hand, if the patron logs in before searching, SMS shows up when placign the hold (IIRC).

Unless the SMS settings are tied to patron's home library/branch, perhaps, where if a user has SMS enabled at their home library, they would get an SMS option even if checking out material from a different library/branch that has SMS disabled for their own patrons. Not sure how hairy this would be to actually implement or how useful having the option to configure this setting per-library/branch would be, in terms of number of libraries who would use the option.

Aleksey Lazar
IS Developer and Integrator
alexey.lazar at mnsu.edu

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