[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Status update for software performance evaluation

Kathy Lussier klussier at masslnc.org
Thu Mar 28 16:12:03 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I just wanted to send along an update on MassLNC's efforts to bring in a 
consultant to conduct a software performance evaluation of Evergreen. I 
plan to begin the process of getting quotes from potential consultants 
on Monday. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the list of 
performance issues at 
There is still time to add concerns/questions/ideas to the page if we 
missed anything. I also still welcome any feedback to the RFP draft 
posted at 

Rogan Hamby from SC LENDS and Sharon Herbert from SITKA have agreed to 
help me and other staff from MassLNC member consortia (C/W MARS, MVLC 
and NOBLE) with the selection of a consultant(s). Thank you Rogan and 
Sharon! If there are others who are interested in helping with the 
selection of the consultant(s), please let me know. In particular, since 
the results of the evaluation may lead to discussions on future 
development decisions, I would love to hear from other developers (we 
already have some developers from MassLNC consortia who will be 
involved) or from people who have any experience with software 
performance evaluation tools or processes.

I also would be interested in hearing from any potential funding 
partners for this evaluation. At this time, I don't need firm 
commitments since we don't know what the final cost of the project will 
be. However knowing what the potential funds are will help us determine 
what we can afford as we review proposals. MassLNC is committed to 
contributing funds to this evaluation and will have some grant funds 
available to put towards the project. However, we also would like to 
have funds available when the evaluation is over to put towards the 
subsequent performance improvements we hope to see.

Thanks everyone!

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
klussier at masslnc.org
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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