[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Permission to Register Patron and Edit Patron

Jayaraj JR jayaraj at iisertvm.ac.in
Fri Nov 8 05:27:59 EST 2013


Thanking you all for prompt help in resolving the problem

1. Permission for register and edit patron is resolved by adding those
permissions from the user Permission Editor located on the Admin Tab on the
top right portion of the Staff Client.

 Earlier we tried to add these permissions by opening the staff individual
record by F1 Key and also in in Admin ->Server Administration->Group
Permission Editor. In both cases it does not work. Is it due to any
configuration problem in Group Permissions.

2. In the Pull List for Hold Requests, it will display only very few number
of holds compared to the actual number of hold requests. How can we rectify
the problem.

3. We would like to upgrade to the version from 2.3.7 to either 2.3.11 or
2.4 series. Is it Ok if we install the final version of the Evergreen
Software and then upgrade database step by step. Or should we go through
each Evergreen  version's upgrade instructions like 2.3.7 to 2.3.8 then
2.3.8 to 2.3.9. what is the recommended strategy for the version upgrade.

Thanking You
Jayaraj J R
Library Information Assistant
IISER Thiruvananthapuram
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