[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Placing Holds on Records with Parts

Mary Llewellyn mllewell at biblio.org
Wed Sep 25 14:12:19 EDT 2013

Hi Brent,


The mention of parts and part holds makes me twitch!


When we first started implementing parts, like you, we had a mixture of
items with and without parts. The "All Parts" label for the title level hold
confused librarian and patron alike, leading them to think that the hold was
being placed upon every part. Instead, patrons would often get an item that
should have had a part label, but didn't, so they'd get a piece they didn't
want, as you describe "Getting Part 2 when they thought they were getting
the entire collection." Unhappy patrons, unhappy librarians.


So we removed the text "All parts" and left it blank, hoping that would lead
the patron to actually open the dropdown list when placing the hold, so they
would actually look at the list of parts and select one. That didn't fly


Finally, we made a rule that if one library broke a set into parts and
labeled them, then the other libraries that circulated the set as a whole
needed to use a part labeled as "boxed set." We removed the title level hold
entry entirely for bibs with items with parts. The result is the patron can
pick either the "boxed set" part or an individual. No more title level holds
in this case. Any library not applying a part will not have their items
available for holds. I think that has calmed things down a bit. 


But don't get me started about the librarians that want their patrons to be
able to place holds on part 1, part 2, part 3, in one step, not realizing
that defeats the purpose of parts.to be able to control the order in which
the part hold is filled!




Mary Llewellyn

Database Manager

Bibliomation, Inc.

24 Wooster Ave.

Waterbury, CT 06708

mllewell at biblio.org




From: open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org
[mailto:open-ils-general-bounces at list.georgialibraries.org] On Behalf Of
Brent Mills
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 3:37 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Placing Holds on Records with Parts


Hello everyone,


I was wondering if someone could help me get some clarity on hold targeting
within records that have a mix of items with parts and without.


In a record like this one: http://tinyurl.com/pbg9lkz, there are a mix of
libraries that don't split out the item into parts and those that do.


My question is, when a patron (or staff member) goes to place a title level
hold on a record that has a mix of parts and no parts, if they select the
default "All Parts" option instead of "Part 1" or "Part 2" (pic:
http://tinyurl.com/lqaogmy), does the hold target both parts as a whole in
addition to the other, non-parted items? Or does it fill the hold by
grabbing the first available item? Basically, when a patron selects the "All
Parts" option, what is Evergreen looking at when choosing where to place the
hold? Hope that made some sense. Curious if patrons might be getting a "Part
2" of something when they thought they were getting the entire collection.


Just basically looking for some advisement on hold targeting behavior with a
mix of parts/no parts.





Brent Mills
Sage Technical Support Specialist
Hood River Library District
502 State Street / Hood River OR / 97031

email: brent at hoodriverlibrary.org
tickets: https://sagesupport.eou.edu <https://sagesupport.eou.edu/> 





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