[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] "undo-ing" copy location edits

Holly Brennan haderhold at ci.homer.ak.us
Tue Feb 4 22:13:50 EST 2014

We just started using a shelving location of 'Display' for items that have been pulled from their normal locations in order to be... you guessed it... on display. (Currently it's *Fossils*)

Using a copy bucket to change the locations is SO much easier than it was with our former ILS. We love that. So, of course, it made me greedy. What if it was just as easy to return items to their former locations?

I thought, what if, when we're done with the display, we could click a button to change the location of the items from 'Display' back to the 7 or so locations where the individual items regularly live. That would be cool. No, MAGIC.

If we held onto the copy bucket with all these items, it seems possible (to me). The change could be a temporary location change. Something like, Please change to this new location, but remember your old one, because you're going back there someday.

Has anyone else dreamed of this? Any developers want to chime in whether it's possible?



Holly Brennan
Library Technology Specialist
Homer Public Library
907-235-3180 (main)
907-435-3154 (direct)
hbrennan at cityofhomer-ak.gov

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