[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Auto-extending grace periods

Michele Morgan mmorgan at noblenet.org
Thu Jul 31 11:25:36 EDT 2014

I want to make sure I'm understanding the Library settings regarding 
auto-extending grace periods. Here are the settings from the Library Settings 

- Auto-Extend Grace Periods - When enabled, grace periods will auto-extend. By 
default this will be only when they are a full day or more and end on a closed 
date, though other options can alter this.

- Auto-Extending Grace Periods extend for all closed dates - If enabled and 
Grace Periods auto-extending is turned on, grace periods will extend past all 
closed dates they intersect, within hard-coded limits.

- Auto-Extending Grace Periods include trailing closed dates - If enabled and 
Grace Periods auto-extending is turned on, grace periods will include closed 
dates that directly follow the last day of the grace period.

Here's the use case:

An item is due on Saturday.
The library is closed on Sunday.
The item is checked in on Monday.
The library has a 1-day grace period.

My understanding is that by default, the grace period would be eaten up by the 
closed day on Sunday, and when the fine generator runs early Monday morning, the 
patron would be assessed a fine for one day overdue. So when the item is checked 
in, the patron would owe for 1 day.

Setting only the "Auto-Extend Grace Periods" setting to TRUE should extend the 
grace period into Monday so that no fine should be charged when the fine 
generator runs early Monday morning. So when the item is checked in the patron 
would not owe any fine.

Am I understanding this correctly?

On our 2.5 system. I am not seeing the grace period being extended at all, even 
after setting the other two options, and want to make sure I'm understanding how 
the options are supposed to work before I open a Launchpad bug.

Thanks for any feedback,

Michele Morgan, Technical Assistant
North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers Massachusetts
mmorgan at noblenet.org

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