[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Browser client dev log update / feedback request on grids

McCanna, Terran tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Mon Mar 31 18:24:03 EDT 2014


>>The approach I'm testing now is a combination of checkbox (single select / multi-select), row click (single select), row ctrl-click (single select / multi-select), and row shift-click (batch select). The different styles seem to complement each other well and in each case the state of the checkbox (and CSS) indicate which rows are selected. <<

Nice! That sounds like it would cover everything a user will try (and they WILL try everything...)

>>Regarding scrolling, when we build pages that only have a single grid, we have the option of allowing the grid to fill the page. That is, there will only be one scroll bar on the page (the main scroll) and as you scroll down the page, you are scrolling through the content as well (and new content is fetched as needed). <<

When printing this type of page, would it by nature default to printing all records unless the staff told it to only print selected pages? I'm thinking of the times when there might be hundreds or even thousands of results and staff members that will click print without limiting the pages. With paging instead of scrolling, there'd be an automatic limit on how many pages would print at once based on how many records the user chose to view at once. 

Your mention of scrolling requiring more memory raises red flags - I don't think PINES is alone in having a lot of libraries running very old/slow machines on slow connections. Granted, we're saving memory in a lot of other places with the web client, so it might be okay to use a little more memory here if it offers significantly better usability, but I'm not so sure that it would... I'd like to hear opposing viewpoints though.

Thanks for putting so much thought into these details and giving the rest of us insight into your findings!

Terran McCanna 
PINES Program Manager 
Georgia Public Library Service 
1800 Century Place, Suite 150 
Atlanta, GA 30345 
tmccanna at georgialibraries.org 

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