Michele Morgan mmorgan at noblenet.org
Wed Feb 11 10:47:21 EST 2015

Hi Scott,

Another option might be to have the long overdue items age to a different status 
(Long Overdue or Lost) when they are so many days overdue.

The copy statuses themselves have an "opac_visible" flag. So for example, if 
items are set to Long Overdue after a certain amount of time, and the 
opac_visible flag on the Long Overdue status is set to "false", those items will 
not display to patrons in the catalog.

Note that doing this will also bill the patron for the cost of the item, which 
may or may not be what you want.

As far as the consortial implications, the opac visibility of a status is 
consortium wide, but changing status of items when they become long overdue is 
done with an action trigger and can be done library by library.

Hope this helps,

On 2/11/2015 10:00 AM, Galen Charlton wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Scott Thomas <scott at albright.org> wrote:
>>     Thank you for replying. We are in a consortium and other members may not
>> want to hide the due date. My assumption is that OPAC templates can be
>> customized for each individual library in a consortium. Is this assumption
>> correct? I am new to EG and still trying to figure out how all of this fits together.
> Yes, it is possible.  For example, compare
> https://ashland.sparkpa.org/eg/opac/home
> and
> https://york.sparkpa.org/eg/opac/home
> That said, various Evergreen consortia have different policies
> regarding the degree to which member libraries' OPACs are allowed to
> vary -- for example, some place a high value on providing a consistent
> experience for all patrons of a resource-sharing group -- so there can
> be a difference between what is technically possible and what fits
> within a consortium's policies.
> Regards,
> Galen

Michele Morgan, Technical Assistant
North of Boston Library Exchange, Danvers Massachusetts
mmorgan at noblenet.org

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