[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Circulation history for patrons?

Walz, Jennifer jlwalz at asbury.edu
Thu Jul 9 15:45:15 EDT 2015

All -

Ok, while I'm on this kick...

   I'm playing with the items in the My Account for our patrons, and I am curious about the button for "Check Out History" in the "Items Checked Out" tab.   Where does that information come from?   Is there a toggle for each patron to keep track of their items?   Is this a universal "ON" thing for all patrons, or does each patron have to turn this on?    Can this be turned on or off by Library?    Is this something that we can see for ANY patron in the staff view?    Where is this?


Jennifer Walz, MLS - Head of ILS Curiosities
Kinlaw Library -  Asbury University
One Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
859-858-3511 ext. 2269
jlwalz at asbury.edu

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