[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Fine notices

Walz, Jennifer jlwalz at asbury.edu
Tue Mar 10 13:58:53 EDT 2015

All –

  Is there such a thing as a fine notice in Evergreen?   Does anyone do this?  How does this happen?   When the patron goes over the max fine threshold, does a notice automatically generate?   If not, how do I set that up?   I would like to set up a billing notice for BEFORE they reach the threshold.   How do I set that up?   I am not seeing triggers or hooks or validators which make any sense.

Any help is appreciated.


Jennifer Walz, MLS – ILS fithly lucre monger
Kinlaw Library
Asbury University
1 Macklem Drive, Wilmore, KY 40390
859-858-3511 ext. 2269
jlwalz at asbury.edu

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