[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Report of new titles by fund code

Teri Arp teri.arp at asburyseminary.edu
Tue Mar 17 10:25:02 EDT 2015

I work for an academic library, and I need help building a report.
Specifically, I need to know the number of new titles we have acquired
during the current fiscal year (or since 7/1/14) that were purchased under
a specific fund code. I have attempted to build this based on the "New
Titles" report template. However, I keep running into a problem when I try
to add the fund code to the report--I can't seem to locate a Source Name
where all this information "lives together" to be used in building a
report. The closest thing I can find is the LineItem Worksheet in the
Acquisitions Module, but that doesn't appear as a Source in my report

Ideally, I would like the displayed fields to be Fund, Title, and Author.
The base filter would be Circulating Library and Fiscal Year or a way to
pull everything between 2 given dates. If there were a way to make the Fund
Code be chosen from a selection box rather than a fill-in-the-blank field,
it would be tremendously helpful.

If anyone has any suggestions, or has a similar template they could share,
I would appreciate it! Thanks!
Teri Arp
Acquisitions Specialist
B. L. Fisher Library
Asbury Theological Seminary
204 N. Lexington Ave
Wilmore KY  40390
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