[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Search box cursor focus

Jason Etheridge jason at esilibrary.com
Fri Jul 8 15:02:12 EDT 2016

> That's another option that I use, but a general keyword search is not always
> the most efficient search. And, though it is only one click, why click when
> you don't have to?

Just, in the example I was replacing Control+W with F3, saving a
click, but I take your point.  I also prefer keyboard over mouse, and
don't mentally class key clicks the same way I do mouse clicks.  But
not everyone is the same.

> I'm not a programmer, so I'm probably way off base, but aren't we only
> talking about a tiny line of code?

My brain was in XUL land, where getting XUL to make embedded HTML
interfaces do stuff is usually not fun, particularly with the OPAC
wrapper that lives in the local client code and is not served remotely
(so, you'd have to deploy new staff clients).  Ben Shum's TT approach
is better.

Jason Etheridge
| Community and Migration Manager
| Equinox Software - Open Your Library
| 1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| jason at esilibrary.com
| http://www.esilibrary.com

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