Cesar Velez cesar.velez at equinoxinitiative.org
Mon Jul 31 10:49:45 EDT 2017

Morning all,

I am working on Launchpad bug# 1685929, implementing (in the checkin page)
some of the missing grid/item actions already found on the XUL client's
Check-in screen.

One of which is the "Mark as Missing Pieces" for an item. Currently as
noted on this thread, the "Mark as Missing Pieces" code works but only when
the item is checked in using a "Suppress holds and transits" modifier.
However, I think it should be possible to also just add code for an
additional dialog to prompt to cancel the item's transit status if it was
checked in without the modifier, and then subsequently marked as missing
pieces on the Check In grid. However, I am not sure of how this actually
would fit into the usual/normal workflow, so any feedback regarding that
would be welcome.

Cesar Velez
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