[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Curbside Delivery & Similar - sharing ideas

Josh Stompro stomproj at gsuite.larl.org
Tue Apr 7 12:09:14 EDT 2020

Hello Everyone, I'm wondering if those of you that have tried curbside
delivery & similar services, or those that have started planning for it but
haven't tried yet could share your experiences and documents.   It isn't
something that we have ever done before, and I'm not sure if we will try
it.  But I want to try and be prepared in case it does come up.

I'm curious if you rely on customers having cell phones to call when they
drive up?  Or if you have someone outside just taking orders?  Anyone use
something like a wireless intercom, baby monitor, ring camera, etc.

We have many one person rural libraries, so I'm curious how things work
with just having one person, vs having several employees.


Josh Stompro - IT Director
Lake Agassiz Regional Library
Desk: 218-233-3757 Ext 139
Cell: 218-790-2110
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