[Board] Conference Committee Report

Jeanette Lundgren jlundgren at cwmars.org
Mon May 15 13:38:53 EDT 2023

Hi everyone,
The Standing and Local Conference Committees met today and here is the
final 2023 Conference report for your review:

I unfortunately will miss Thursday's meeting, but I believe Gina and Debbie
will be attending to discuss plans for next year's conference.

Also, just two outstanding items for the final conference wrap-up:

   - gathering up the final recordings and presentations for the website
   and YouTube
   - hotel final invoice to be paid (Galen)



Jeanette Lundgren | CW MARS

Executive Director

jlundgren at cwmars.org | 508-755-3323 x 120 <(508)%20755-3323>

http:// <http://www.cwmars.org/>www.cwmars.org

Pronouns <https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>: she, her, hers
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