[Eg-newdevs] Does anybody else have a 3.10 server up? (Need help checking something)

Dan Briem dbriem at wlsmail.org
Tue Feb 7 12:37:29 EST 2023

Just followed your steps on a test server and it redirected properly to the
splash page.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 12:31 PM Terran McCanna via Eg-newdevs <
eg-newdevs at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:

> So we're seeing this weird redirect problem on all of our PINES 3.10
> servers (production and test) and before I create a bug report I'm trying
> to verify whether it is something that broke in 3.10 or if it's something
> local to PINES.
> To recreate on a 3.10 server:
> 1. Go to https://terran-master.gapines.org/eg/staff and log in (admin /
> demo123) and set up a workstation. Log back out.
> 2. Go to https://terran-master.gapines.org/eg2/en-US/staff/splash  (this
> is the pattern of the URL path that a lot of library staff have bookmarked
> or set as their home page because they log in first and then save the
> link).
> 3. Note that the URL changes to
> https://terran-master.gapines.org/eg2/en-US/staff/login?routeTo=%2Feg2%2Fen-US%2Fstaff%2Flogin%3FrouteTo%3D%252Feg2%252Fen-US%252Fstaff%252Fsplash
> 4. Log in (admin / demo123)
> 5. The URL goes to https://gapines.org/eg2/en-US/  which results in a
> blank page.
> If you have a 3.10 server, are you able to recreate this problem as well?
> I have tried it on a 3.8 and 3.9 server and am not seeing the problem. For
> instance, if you follow these steps with https://demo.evergreencatalog.com
> (3.9) then on step 3 the URL changes (properly) to
> https://demo.evergreencatalog.com/eg2/en-US/staff/login and everything is
> happy.
> Thanks,
> Terran
> Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager
> ------------------------------
> Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia
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Dan Briem
Harrison Public Library
2 Bruce Ave. Harrison, NY 10528
(914) 835-0324
harrisonpl.org <https://www.harrisonpl.org>
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