[Evergreen-admin] Fwd: Evergreen server installation problem

Petr Brož petr.broz at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 06:19:32 EDT 2013


I am new to Evergreen. I hope that this is the right mailing list for this
kind of question.

I have tried to install Evergreen 2.3.4 on Ubuntu Precise following the
official instructions
(http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/install/README_2_3.html). In step
11. "Testing connections to Evergreen" I have failed to login. I
have got "Received no data from server" instead of the described proper
response. I have continued with settings-tester.pl and the
troubleshooting:checking_for_errors page until I got to the instruction to
contact the mailing list.

Can you please help me?

This is my second post to this mailing list. My first post is still
awaiting moderator approval since it was too big. Therefore I am not
attaching any files this time around.

I have encountered these errors in Step 7: "Start the OpenSRF C services
and check for errors" in the troubleshooting:

opensrf at green:/openils/conf$ grep ERR /openils/var/log/*.log
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.cstore 2013-03-12
21:49:35 [DEBG:1854:oils_sql.c:435:] No data found for class [ssr]: 0,
ERROR: "search_result" is a composite type
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.pcrud 2013-03-12
21:49:35 [DEBG:1856:oils_sql.c:435:] No data found for class [ssr]: 0,
ERROR: "search_result" is a composite type
/openils/var/log/osrfsys.log:open-ils.reporter-store 2013-03-12 21:49:35
[DEBG:1855:oils_sql.c:435:] No data found for class [ssr]: 0, ERROR:
 "search_result" is a composite type

Before that I have noticed in Step 6 that I have no OpenSRF controller and
master processes running. But I do not know how severe is that.

Before that I have had settings-tester.pl report that:

Checking libdbi and libdbi-drivers
libdbi PostgreSQL driver not found in shared library path;
  you may need to edit /etc/ld.so.conf or add an entry to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
  and run 'ldconfig' as root

I am not sure about severity of that either.

Before that, I was confused in step "9. Creating the Evergreen database"
where it says to replace "<user>, <password>, <hostname>,
<port>, and <dbname> with the appropriate values for your
PostgreSQL database (where <user> and <password> are for the evergreen
PostgreSQL account you just created)". I was not sure what values for
<hostname>, <port> and <dbname> should be appropriate, whether they could
be arbitrary or not. I have used "green", "5432" an "green" as a guess.

Before that I have had problems with the OpenSRF installation since
my server didn't have a fixed hostname. I am installing Evergreen on
a virtual server in AWS and AWS, by default, assigns a different hostname
to the server each time it starts. And ejabberd was confused when the
hostname changed. I have had to fix the hostname and delete all files in
/var/lib/ejabberd/ to continue.

Otherwise the installation seemed to go reasonably smooth.

Petr Broz
petr.broz at gmail.com
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