[Evergreen-catalogers] Feedback needed: LCC spine label printing

Terran McCanna tmccanna at georgialibraries.org
Thu Apr 9 14:12:38 EDT 2020

We at PINES have tested the Evergreen spine label printing fixes here as
thoroughly as we can against a copy of PINES data, but the one thing we
cannot test because we don't have the expertise is LCC printing. If any of
you use LCC, could you please create or modify some items with LCC format
call numbers to make sure that the formatting when printing is correct?

Here is the launchpad link:

Here is the patch applied to a current master test server with Concerto
Admin login: admin
PW: demo123

Feel free to post your feedback to launchpad. Elaine and I will also be
watching this list for feedback if you encounter questions about the usage
or anything like that.

Hope you are all safe and well,

Terran McCanna, PINES Program Manager

Georgia Public Library Service | University System of Georgia

2872 Woodcock Blvd, Suite 250 l Atlanta, GA 30341

(404) 235-7138 | tmccanna at georgialibraries.org

http://help.georgialibraries.org | help at help.georgialibraries.org


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