[Evergreen-circ] Printing barcodes on recipts from Webby.

Computer Services computerservices at poplarbluff.org
Wed Sep 8 16:34:43 EDT 2021

Thanks for the feedback, Jason. Before hopping on the discussions, I did
try re-typing because I thought there might be some strange things
happening during copy-paste. I have also tried various font types and using
a variety of sizes. I used Code39 and it almost exactly matches ours except
our barcodes have extra lines at the beginning and end.

Using {{patron.card.barcode}} with a regular font appears as expected, and
nothing is missing or altered.

The barcode scanner is rather ancient, but it reads everything else that is
thrown at it. I am also using a pen wand as a backup that reads the same
types of barcodes the standing scanner would.

Using https://www.barcodesinc.com/generator/index.php I was able to print a
Code128-B and it scanned it just fine while not looking quite the same in
but still having the appropriate data.

I will continue to chip away at different settings. I am baffled because
our original set up just worked with the old tower.

If you or anybody else in the community has any ideas, I am open to trying
them when time allows.

Thanks again for any help.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 3:14 PM Jason Boyer <JBoyer at equinoxoli.org> wrote:

> Hi Evan, that should most likely still work and here are a few things you
> can try:
> Re-type (don’t copy and paste) that line in your receipts. It’s possible
> that the email is having its quotes messed with at some point and that may
> break things if so.
> Depending on the default font size, it’s possible that 200% is too big or
> small. Try things like 100%, 150%, or 250% to see if any of those help.
> Put the {{patron.card.barcode}} tag somewhere else in the receipt where it
> will also appear as regular numbers to make sure it looks as expected. If
> there’s a problem with the syntax or a barcode has characters that 3 of 9
> doesn’t support that will prevent the scanner from reading it correctly.
> (Though I’d expect there to be no barcode at all or one that is very short
> in that case so that wouldn’t be terribly mysterious.)
> Verify that the barcode scanner is setup to actually read 3 of 9, if your
> item barcode labels aren’t 3 of 9 it’s possible that the scanner is
> configured to only read item / card barcodes. The way to do this is likely
> by scanning various setup barcodes in the scanner’s manual.
> Jason
> --
> Jason Boyer
> Senior System Administrator
> Equinox Open Library Initiative
> JBoyer at equinoxOLI.org
> +1 (877) Open-ILS (673-6457)
> https://equinoxOLI.org/
> On Sep 8, 2021, at 3:41 PM, Computer Services via Evergreen-circ <
> evergreen-circ at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is Evan from the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library. Previously, I
> inquired about printing barcodes on hold shelf slips from Webby. Michele
> was able to provide an amazing solution that worked for us quite well until
> nature zapped our tower we were using for this. Some time has passed and
> when I attempted to recreate the ability to print barcodes through Hatch
> using the code below and the Free 3 of 9 Extended font on a new tower the
> barcodes were not recognized by a reader.
> <div style="font-family: 'Free 3 of 9 Extended';font-size:200%">*{{
> patron.card.barcode}}* </div>
> My question is, should this still work, or do I need to make modifications
> to this procedure to get this working again?
> Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
> On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 5:13 PM Computer Services <
> computerservices at poplarbluff.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This is Evan from the Poplar Bluff Municipal Library. I was wondering if
>> there is a way to print barcodes onto hold slips when printed from the
>> browser-based Webby client. We are using a locker system from Bibliotheca
>> and are trying to streamline this process. Currently, we are using an
>> online barcode generator and copying and pasting the patron ID needed so we
>> can get a barcode for the scanner on the lockers. While we can manually
>> type a patron's ID while using the lockers, using a barcode greatly reduces
>> the chance of a number error during entry.
>> If anybody has any thoughts on this or a possible solution please let me
>> know.
>> Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
>> --
>> Evan Seckler
>> Library IT Coordinator
>> Poplar Bluff Municipal Library
>> 318 North Main Street | Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
>> e: computerservices at poplarbluff.org
>> t: (573) 686 - 8639 | d: (573) 203 - 4099
>> Website <https://poplarbluff.org/> | Events
>> <https://poplarbluff.org/calendar> | Annual Report
>> <https://poplarbluff.org/annualreport.html> | Digital Library
>> <http://poplarbluff.org/downloads.html> | Wireless Printing
>> <https://www.poplarbluff.org/usingthelibrary.html#mobile>
>> Search the catalog
>> Poplar Bluff Municipal Library District with its community partners
>> provides and promotes equal access to reading, information, cultural and
>> intellectual resources.
> --
> Evan Seckler
> Library IT Coordinator
> Poplar Bluff Municipal Library
> 318 North Main Street | Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
> e: computerservices at poplarbluff.org
> t: (573) 686 - 8639 | d: (573) 203 - 4099
> Website <https://poplarbluff.org/> | Events
> <https://poplarbluff.org/calendar> | Annual Report
> <https://poplarbluff.org/annualreport.html> | Digital Library
> <http://poplarbluff.org/downloads.html> | Wireless Printing
> <https://www.poplarbluff.org/usingthelibrary.html#mobile>
> Search the catalog
> Poplar Bluff Municipal Library District with its community partners
> provides and promotes equal access to reading, information, cultural and
> intellectual resources.
> _______________________________________________
> Evergreen-circ mailing list
> Evergreen-circ at list.evergreen-ils.org
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Evan Seckler

Library IT Coordinator

Poplar Bluff Municipal Library

318 North Main Street | Poplar Bluff, MO 63901

e: computerservices at poplarbluff.org

t: (573) 686 - 8639 | d: (573) 203 - 4099

Website <https://poplarbluff.org/> | Events
<https://poplarbluff.org/calendar> | Annual Report
<https://poplarbluff.org/annualreport.html> | Digital Library
<http://poplarbluff.org/downloads.html> | Wireless Printing

Search the catalog

Poplar Bluff Municipal Library District with its community partners
provides and promotes equal access to reading, information, cultural and
intellectual resources.
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