[evergreen-outreach] conference t-shirts

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 13:15:00 EDT 2017

OK, where we are with the numbers:

Minimum order of 36 pieces.

Prices range depending on styles and volume.

We've done V neck to date so I think we should stay with that.

Prices will vary depending on sizes selected but making conservative
estimates :
(36-50 shirts) $13 per,
(51-72) $12 per,
(73-144) $11.75 per,
(145+) $11.50 plus.

Actual cost could be as much as $2 less per unit depending on sizes
selected but for math I chose the most conservative estimate for easy math
and adding only a few dollars on each would allow for a reasonable margin
to cover extras if we need to buy a few extra to meet the threshold of an
order.  So, in order to decide to do this we need to make a number of
logistical decisions such as what are our minimums and maximums if these
are pre-ordered.  I recommend a simple blanket price of $13 - $15 dollars.

We would probably look to have them printed just before the conference and
shipped directly to it.  Lead time needed would be approximately 4 weeks.

I have the graphic for the shirt and will throw together a rough mockup
shortly, even before the meeting in 45 minutes if I can.
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