[evergreen-outreach] Social Media Sharing Information

rogan.hamby at gmail.com rogan.hamby at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 08:52:27 EST 2018

I'll make a todo item to update the wiki with the public information about
our social media accounts, who has access to do what, etc....

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 8:46 AM Kathy Lussier <klussier at masslnc.org> wrote:

> I'm replying primarily for documentation purposes. It might be a good idea
> to pull all of this information together on the wiki.
> I have handed the Twitter account information over to Rogan. The Evergreen
> Twitter account uses the twitter at evergreen-ils.org email address, so
> whenever a new person takes over that account, they need to make sure that
> this email address forwards to them. I think Galen has the power to do this.
> Currently, we handle automatic updates to the Twitter account differently
> than Facebook and Google+. For Twitter, we use dlvr.it to automatically
> post the Planet Evergreen posts to the Twitter account.
> https://planet.evergreen-ils.org/. This pushes out information from
> multiple sources, not just from the Evergreen web site. Of course, this is
> a decision that can be changed.
> We have several people who can post to the Evergreen Twitter account via
> Tweetdeck. If a trusted community member needs to post to Twitter, we add
> them to the Tweetdeck Team as contributors. Rogan and Galen are both Admins
> of the Evergreen Tweetdeck team.
> At some point, it might be good if somebody could take a look at
> https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=website_administration and
> update admin information. I will be removing myself as admin of all of
> these things by the end of the day tomorrow.
> Kathy
> --
> Kathy Lussier
> Project Coordinator
> Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
> (508) 343-0128klussier at masslnc.org
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 8:05 AM <rogan.hamby at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This should presumably be on the web team list too but it's been inactive
>> for so long I can't find it in my email. But we've transitioned the sharing
>> of posts from the Evergreen website from Kathy's account to mine.  There
>> seemed to be some confusion about how this is done so for the sake of
>> future knowledge it's pretty simple:
>> 1) Make sure you have an account on Wordpress.com
>> 2) Go to the Jetpack settings in our website and disconnect the current
>> connection
>> 3) Reconnect Jetpack to the new account on Wordpress.com
>> Then the sharing is system specific.  For Facebook:
>> 1) Be signed into a Facebook account that is a manager of the Facebook
>> Evergreen page.
>> 2) Go to Wordpress.com and under your sites select the Evergreen site
>> 3) Select sharing on the left hand side
>> 4) Click the share to Facebook option and select the managed account you
>> want to use (Evergreen)
>> Sharing to G+.  This may be a moot point as it's going away into the not
>> too far future but it's essentially the same as for Facebook but once you
>> select your Google Account it will also ask which managed brand you want to
>> use.
>> Twitter.  This is the only one a bit up in the air.  I don't think we
>> have Twitter connected right now anyway but who is the actual owner /
>> keeper of credentials.  I have access to posting to the account through
>> TweetDeck but not the credentials and it appears to actually have to be
>> logged in to setup the sharing.
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