[evergreen-outreach] More ALA AV Fun (Not)

Andrea Buntz Neiman abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
Fri Jun 7 12:59:02 EDT 2019

What a racket!

The total of the line items for printing (which of course was sponsored)
and ALA comes to $1345, and total ALA costs come to $1149.20 so we should
be OK in terms of total outreach budget, though I am not certain of the
actuals on other line items.

Rogan, did you ask the Board about moving among line items?

We could also cancel a mic, but honestly that's not going to save much
money, relatively.

I think we just chalk this up to lessons learned and adjust our next budget
request accordingly.


On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 12:54 PM Deborah Luchenbill <
deborah at mobiusconsortium.org> wrote:

> Well, apparently the ALA person was wrong.  PRG, the tradeshow company,
> says we do need to pay for the sound system for the microphones.  With the
> additional $300, plus tax and the additional labor charge, that adds
> $346.50 to the $802.70 that I paid yesterday (which was broken down as:
> $475 for screen-projector-stand; $70 for two mics, $225 for labor, $32.70
> for equipment tax).
> So, do we have that kind of money to move around in our budget?  Do we
> cancel the mics and just hope there are not enough people in attendance to
> need them (there are, atm, 45 people who have added it to their
> schedules)?  I kinda feel like this is a ridiculously high expense for a
> one-hour session, but...it is a national conference, I guess.
> (Who knew that this was going to be the most complicated part of the
> program planning?!)
> Debbie
> Debbie Luchenbill
> Evergreen Coordinator
> 111 E. Broadway, Ste. 220
> Columbia, MO  65203
> debbie at mobiusconsortium.org <deborah at mobiusconsortium.org>
> 573-234-4914
> https://mobiusconsortium.org <http://mobiusconsortium.org>
> Missouri Evergreen Help Desk: help at mobiusconsortium.org / 877-312-3517
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Andrea Buntz Neiman, MLS
Project Manager for Software Development
Equinox Open Library Initiative
abneiman at equinoxinitiative.org
1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457) x5583
*www.equinoxinitiative.org <http://www.equinoxinitiative.org>*
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