[evergreen-outreach] Website redesign plans

Rogan Hamby rogan.hamby at equinoxoli.org
Mon Mar 4 11:51:55 EST 2024

I've only skimmed but I like what I'm seeing so far.  You've obviously made
steps to take into account current content on the website. Do you feel
you've captured places for all the current content? And then how do you
feel about moving important content from the WIKI into this? For example,
compatibility surveys occur to me as a good thing to carry over as well as
community approved vendors.

On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 11:00 AM Stephanie Leary via evergreen-outreach <
evergreen-outreach at list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:

> Good morning! Since the strategic planning sessions, I've been tinkering
> with plans for a more marketing-oriented website that highlights how active
> our community is. Here's a Google Doc with an outline:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C-rnnOgiG4JTQJ_onoebKRTE2vvdtNpLtaH15NSpg9s/edit?usp=sharing
> A lot of other ILSs don't do software feature pages, but I think we should
> consider them; they would give us an opportunity to highlight how Evergreen
> can handle libraries of vastly different sizes.
> With or without those, I definitely think we should do the library size
> audience pages.
> Some other things to note about the content plan:
> * I've added a Jobs category to the blog, rather than using the separate
> plugin for listings (it generated a TON of otherwise useless pages)
> * I've also added a Press Release category. I'm thinking that this
> category wouldn't appear on the blog home page or the main RSS feed, but
> would have its own page and RSS feed available so we can pull the latest
> posts into the home page and blog sidebars.
> * There is a support page based on a draft Rogan had saved quite some time
> ago.
> I've also started working on a new design based on the theme framework I
> most often used for client sites when I was freelancing. I have a lot of
> code lying around for this, so adding new features to it is relatively
> easy.
> http://eg-web.georgialibraries.org/
> This theme in particular started out with some stock images that I haven't
> removed yet. My plan is to replace those with some green gradient
> backgrounds and put some of the featured sections right on top of them.
> Something along these lines:
> https://codepen.io/stephanieleary/full/ExMBbmd
> I'm also setting up an editorial calendar plugin that includes
> notifications; we'll see if I can get it working and strip out some of its
> annoying upsell alerts.
> Let me know what you think of all this; we can discuss on Wednesday!
> Stephanie Leary
> Front End Developer
> Equinox Open Library Initiative
> stephanie.leary at equinoxOLI.org
> https://www.equinoxOLI.org
> phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
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