[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Introduction and Question

Patrick Durusau patrick at durusau.net
Wed Sep 12 11:02:00 EDT 2007


This is my first post so first a word or two about my background. I am 
currently a co-editor for the OpenDocument Format standard in OASIS and 
its project editor in ISO (ISO 26300). I am also chair of the US 
committee that is the mirror commitee of SC 34, which is currently 
considering OpenXML (DIS 29500). When I am not involved in either of 
those projects, I am the convener of SC 34/WG 3, Topic Maps, as well as 
a co-editor of various parts of that standard. I am an independent 
consultant on standards (primarily markup and semantic integration) and 
related technologies.

My question: Where are the search and relevance sections of the 
Evergreen code?

I ask because I was posting an ILL for "Computers and Intractibility: A 
Guide to the Theory of NP-completeness" to my local library and in an 
effort to be helpful, I did a keyword search in Pines for 
np-completeness (note the lack of quotes) thinking that is a fairly 
unique term. Try it with Pines. The results are rather amusing and quite 
definitely not relevant.

I performed the same keyword search with "np-completeness" and got no 
hits. (I would have expected to have the same results with the first 

That made me curious so I tried searching for author, Garey, thinking it 
is a fairly unusual spelling so I would not get too many hits.

Ok, I get some "garey" authors in the first 10 "hits" but also:

Found objects a style and source book  
Ruggiero, Joseph.

Slipcover chic : designing and sewing elegant slipcovers at home
Revland, Catherine.

As "hits" 9 and 10.

Perfectly fine books I am sure but not what I would be looking for when 
searching for author = garey.

Anyway, since searching is one of my interests (topic maps and their 
construction) I was puzzled by the anomalous result.

Looking at the MARC record for the Revland, Catherine "hit" it appears 
that author = garey request is searching the 100 field *and* the 700 
field, which for this item includes:

700 aBall, Michell, ill.
700 aGarey, Carol Cooper

Which would be understandable if I had asked for a "keyword" search. Not 
so understandable with a author search.

Well, I suppose I have two questions in addition to my first one, ;-) .

2. Where is the "relevance" code in particular since it was the source 
of the seemingly odd results on np-completeness.

3. Shouldn't author searches default to the MARC 100 field? (With 
keyword taking in 700 entries, etc.)

Hope everyone is having a great day!


Patrick Durusau
patrick at durusau.net
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Acting Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)
Co-Editor, OpenDocument Format (OASIS, ISO/IEC 26300)

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