[OPEN-ILS-DEV] testing issues after installation

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 22:41:56 EDT 2008

On 04/04/2008, Robert Soulliere <robert.soulliere at mohawkcollege.ca> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
>  > Is this happening everytime?  Are you starting the router as user
>  > opensrf?  Could you share with us the output of the env command?  Did
>  > you install into the standard /openils/ directory?  Did you set the
>  > ownership of those files to opensrf:opensrf?
> I followed the instructions for the Debian Etch found at:
>  http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=installing_evergreen_1.2_on_debian_etch_x86_32-bit
>  including using the prerequisite installer at:
>  http://open-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=server_installation:debian_gentoo_ubuntu_prerequisites_makefile
>  I installed the version of Evergreen indicated in step 5:
>  http://open-ils.org/downloads/Evergreen-ILS-
>  I am running Debian 4.0. I downloaded the install CD from:
>  http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/4.0_r3/i386/iso-cd/ and have been
>  using the U of Waterloo's mirror for the updates. I have automatic
>  updates set up.
>  I start the router as opensrf. Is the ownership of the files
>  automatically set in the installation procedures or prerequisites or was
>  that something to be done outside of the procedures?

File ownership is set in step 6 of the Debian install instructions.

Your opensrf user's PATH and PERL5LIB variables should be set in step
23 (when you edit .bashrc). What are the results of running the
following commands?

echo $PATH
echo $PERL5LIB

>  The error does seem to occur everytime I start the router.

The /openils/bin/ directory should include opensrf_router and
opensrf-c, among other executable files. Your PATH is expected to
include /openils/bin/

>  I did install it in /openils. Would it be possible for you to send me a
>  basic structural outline of the openils directory structure for me to
>  verify that everthing is there?

Here's what I have in Evergreen trunk (should be relatively similar)
for the first two levels of /openils/:

dan at denials:~/source/Evergreen-trunk/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/server/cat$
tree -L 2 /openils/
|-- bin
|   |-- autogen.sh
|   |-- chopchop
|   |-- clark-kent.pl
|   |-- fieldmapper.pl
|   |-- find_orphaned_reports.pl
|   |-- fine_generator.pl
|   |-- hold_targeter.pl
|   |-- long-overdue-status-update.pl
|   |-- offline-blocked-list.pl
|   |-- oils_ctl.sh
|   |-- oils_dataloader
|   |-- oils_requestor
|   |-- opensrf-c
|   |-- opensrf_router
|   |-- org_lasso_js.pl
|   |-- org_tree_html_options.pl
|   |-- org_tree_js.pl
|   |-- org_tree_proximity.pl
|   |-- osrf_ctl.sh
|   |-- reshelving_complete.srfsh
|   |-- srfsh
|   `-- thaw_expired_frozen_holds.srfsh
|-- conf
|   |-- fm_IDL.xml
|   |-- lib_ips.txt.example
|   |-- live-db-setup.pl
|   |-- offline-config.pl
|   |-- oils_sip.xml.example
|   |-- opensrf.xml
|   |-- opensrf.xml.example
|   |-- opensrf_core.xml
|   |-- opensrf_core.xml.example
|   `-- srfsh.xml.example
|-- include
|   |-- objson
|   |-- openils
|   `-- opensrf
|-- lib
|   |-- javascript
|   |-- libobjson.so
|   |-- liboils_idl.so
|   |-- liboils_utils.so
|   |-- libopensrf.so
|   |-- oils_auth.so
|   |-- oils_cstore.so
|   |-- oils_rstore.so
|   |-- osrf_dbmath.so
|   |-- osrf_math.so
|   |-- osrf_version.so
|   `-- perl5
`-- var
    |-- admin
    |-- catalog
    |-- cgi-bin
    |-- circ
    |-- data
    |-- log
    |-- penalty
    |-- pid
    |-- reporter
    |-- sock
    |-- templates
    |-- web
    `-- xsl

23 directories, 42 files

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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