[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Installing Evergreen using debian_etch_x86 instructions - Step 7

John Fink john.fink at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 20:40:52 EST 2008

Hello Jean,

A fair chunk of the Evergreen heavy lifters are not as accessible this
week as they usually are, so don't despair if you don't get a reply to
your problem this evening.  I know what the problem is, but can't give
you specific instructions to address as I'm typing this on an
overglorified cellphone and don't have access to my evergreen install.
 Nevertheless, here goes:

The rel_1_2 stuff is in there because the guy who wrote up the
instructions was working from the development code tree and not the
releases like you or I would.  So rel_1_2 exists in his codebase but
not yours.  I think you're looking for something like either
Evergreen- or OpenILS-, and maybe the src/ tree under

If this makes sense to you and it works out, great!!  If not, please
let me/the list know and include your version number of Evergreen.

with tired thumbs,


On 2/19/08, Jean Montgomery <jmontgom at uproc.lib.mi.us> wrote:
> It must be late in the day because I've just gotten myself lost.  I'm on
> step 7 configure Evergreen and it says to cd rel_1_2, where should the
> rel_1_2 be?
> Jean Montgomery
> Network Administrator
> Upper Peninsula Region of Library Cooperation
> (906)228-7697

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