[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Release 1.6 - testing notes

Dan Scott denials at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 09:26:57 EDT 2009

We're currently testing Evergreen rel_1_6_0 (there's no tarball
release candidate yet) on a Debian Lenny, PostgreSQL 8.3 system and
have noticed the following so far:
  * Reporter interface: sources all appear, but none of the fields for
the sources appear
  * The skin "default" (not the default skin, that's craftsman) has
display problems in the detailed record page (we have some local fixes
that I can contribute)
  * 1.4 -> 1.6 database upgrade script (or autogen.sh) needs to
include "UPDATE metatada.metarecord SET mods = NULL";
  * 1.4 -> 1.6 database upgrade script needs to add VIEW_ORG_SETTINGS
to staff and MFHD permissions to catalogers, and possibly other perms

Confirmation or further reports of regressions or other problems that
need to be fixed before a release candidate would be greatly

The rough 1.4->1.6 database upgrade script that Mike wrote is at
http://open-ils.org/~miker/; if you're
upgrading, you'll also need to:
  * first, update OpenSRF to trunk (I think)
  * upgrade to dojo 1.3.1
  * cp /openils/conf/oils_web.xml.example /openils/conf/oils_web.xml
  * update the Apache configuration files
  * update opensrf_core.xml and opensrf.xml
  * other stuff, undoubtedly

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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