[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Evergreen installtion problems

Dan Scott dan at coffeecode.net
Mon Jul 12 03:55:11 EDT 2010

On 12 July 2010 04:18, Libdata <sales at libdata.com> wrote:
> Has anyone been able to install opensrf & evergreen without consultant
> support  - and if you did - what was the trick that made it work on a
> standard Ubuntu server installation?

Yes. No tricks were required.

> We are trying to setup a server for a group of libraries to evaluate
> evergreen - but have not been able to get it to install and have not
> received responses to any of our questions.  We have tried several different
> versions of ubuntu (8.04 and 9.04) We have been able to get opensrf to work
> a couple of times, but were unable to get evergreen to work.  We have had
> several network oriented people to try it and none have had any success.

> Is there anyone out there who has a different set of installation
> instructions, scripts, or binaries.

There is a set of scripts at
that worked 10 months ago. There are no guarantees that they'll work

> We do not believe the instructions from
> the evergreen site are complete.  We think we are missing something simple,
> but consistantly.   We have tried several  "solutions" found in various

I go through the instructions, step by step, every couple of months. I
would argue that the instructions are complete (disclaimer: I'm one of
the people who helps to write and maintain those instructions); some
users might want more contextual detail (for example, a description of
what PostgreSQL or ejabberd are and configuration tips and where it
keeps its logs, etc, but that's far better served by the sites for
those projects themselves, in my opinion).

I have run into situations where a given release would not install
cleanly ( comes to mind); as far as I know should
install cleanly - but we don't have a dedicated set of human testers
or an automated test server to tell us this, so it's theoretically
possible that it's broken. Should we have human testers or an
automated test server? Yes, but those resources have to come from
somewhere, and right now there don't seem to be any volunteers.

> threads.  We have noticed that almost everyone has had a difficult time
> during installation  - please let us know the combination of operating
> system/opensrf/evergreen version you were able to get to work  and how you
> did it.

What I've often heard from people who go through the installation
process a few times and finally succeed is that they realized that
they were making an assumption that they could modify or skip some
piece of the instructions, and that when they finally went back and
followed through every step faithfully they were able to achieve an
install. Or occasionally we could determine that the release was in
fact uninstallable.

> Please help if you can - we have spent a few weeks on this already and would
> very much like to get to the next level.

I've offered some assistance in the other thread you started. I'm sure
that a few weeks of effort must have you very frustrated; that's not
our goal.

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