[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Automatic stemming in Evergreen

Kathy Lussier klussier at masslnc.org
Tue Aug 14 12:15:51 EDT 2012

Thank you for your help and feedback Dan!

> This particular example is quite a concern! I haven't noticed anything
> similar yet, since we moved to Evergreen 2.3ish last week, and nobody
> has brought a similar problem to my attention, but it might just be
> early days for us.

Echoing what Mike said, I have tried this search in at least one  
pre-2.2 catalog and found similar results.

> The simplest way to do this in a new Evergreen instance

Since we aren't a new Evergreen instance, could we run the SQL from  
that file and then reingest our records? Or is it more complicated  
than that?

> Note, however, that this is likely to cause other problems for
> searchers; in the default "concerto" sample set of records, for example,
> people will have to search for "concertos" to get matches for
> "concertos"; "concerto" won't result in a match (and vice versa).

Yes, and we've started to explore this question. As much as we would  
like to retain that functionality, it may also be worth the tradeoff  
until a better solution is found, whatever that solution may be.

> ispell support was added in the last few versions of PostgreSQL, which
> might be worth exploring. I plan to dig into the current state of PostgreSQL
> full-text search over the next few weeks, so the timing of your question
> is quite good!

That's good to know.

Thanks again!


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