[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Proposal for search modifications for Evergreen 2.4

Thomas Berezansky tsbere at mvlc.org
Mon Oct 15 13:26:06 EDT 2012

I'm going to start by pointing you at information on stuff I am  
already working on:


Beyond that, some of what you are talking about is actually at the  
TPac layer (it builds exact match/contains searches in specific ways,  
QueryParser is then handed the built search). As for the rest some  
more details of *how* you intend to accomplish them might be nice.

Also, as a note, my work is currently going to be taking the  
*_field_entry tables and storing normalized values in them, rather  
than the current mostly non-normalized values, and is already adding  
new "combined_*_field_entry" tables for other purposes. If your work  
is going to depend on the non-normalized values then my work is likely  
going to break yours at this stage.

Thomas Berezansky
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium

Quoting Jeffrey Bond <jbond.evergreen at gmail.com>:

> Greetings Evergreen Developers,
> I’d like to propose a few changes to search functionality for the Evergreen
> application.  Here is some relevant information on the changes. I had read
> in an e-mail that blueprints may no longer be needed? I added one anyways
> but I can remove it if needed. Note that all changes proposed here can be
> turned on or off as defined in the wiki; if and when these changes are
> added they will not change the functionality of Evergreen unless an
> organization specific option is selected to do so. Thank you all for
> considering these changes.
> Quick Overview:
> -          Option to change search functionality.
> -          Exact match will search differently.
> -          Contains phrase will search differently.
> *Exact match* and *contains phrase* search for phrases the same way *
> contains* does. This option will change that. *Contains phrase* will search
> for words contained in the phrase together, and *exact match* will search
> for an exact match of the phrase (after normalization).
> -          Searches when using ALL normalized characters will now search
> for results as intended.
> A search such as “!!!” will qualify as the band named “!!!” instead of
> being normalized out and returning 0 results.
> Full overview can be found in links below.
> Wiki -
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:proposal:search_modifications
> Blueprint -
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/evergreen/+spec/search-modifications
> Thank you for considering these changes, as always please give me
> suggestions on how to improve these proposed modifications. I am still new
> to this procedure J

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