[OPEN-ILS-DEV] Beta App Feedback

Justin Hopkins 📖 justin at mobiusconsortium.org
Wed Nov 25 09:51:31 EST 2015

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 9:31 PM, Ken Cox <kenstir at gmail.com> wrote:
>> [-7]: Perhaps we could use another, or expand on the .json file so
>> that we could include all libraries in a given consortium/system for a
>> more fine grained GPS based library suggestion
> As you noted, the GPS is just used to suggest a consortium.  That's
> where the account is, so why would we need to include all libraries?

Consortium tells the app where to authenticate (etc), an individual
library/system could inform the starting search scope

>> [-6]: Add the consortium level as an option for search scope
> In the CW/MARS apps this works by scrolling all the way to the top to
> "All C/W MARS Libraries".

This took a while to sink in, but I eventually realized that the list
of search scopes is in alphabetical order. So, unlike "All C/W MARS
Libraries" our top level consortium label "Missouri Evergreen" was not
near the top. I think that an primary sort on org level and a
secondary sort on alpha with some indentation for the lower level orgs
would work.



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