Karen Schneider kgs at esilibrary.com
Fri May 15 12:57:02 EDT 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Catherine Buck Morgan <
Cmorgan at statelibrary.sc.gov> wrote:

> Now this looks very cool. If it works as advertised, it would certainly
> alleviate the technical issues for what I hope are our very talented
> documentation developers, allowing them to focus on content and not coding.
> (Not that someone can't do both... :) )

There are some very decent, free XML editors, by the way. Eclipse and
XMLMind are decent starter tools, especially if you validate outside them
(XMLMind can be stubborn about opening invalid documents...). Also, oXygen
is not free and it's not open source... but it is very, very good.

I'm also working on the wiki page that talks about DocBook transforms in an
effort to make that easier for Windows users who want to start with free
tools such as xsltproc. The changes to this page are a temp fix, but I
wanted the page to be more welcoming to prospective documentation writers
working on platforms other than Linux.


If you have better instructions for setting the environment variables for
xsltproc, I'm all for it -- I was a little unclear on that myself. :-)

| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
| Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
| Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
| kgs at esilibrary.com
| Web: http://www.esilibrary.com
| Be a part of the Evergreen International Conference, May 20-22, 2009!
| http://www.lyrasis.org/evergreen
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