[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Circ docs (Re: Introductory Material for the Book of Evergreen)

sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us
Wed Aug 4 12:16:49 EDT 2010

> In general, should we keep specific images like this, but just label
> them
> appropriately (e.g., "Here are examples of ...") ?
> Or should we remove proprietary logos and names completely, or maybe
> replace
> with some generic equivalent?

I was thinking about this, and I don't have any experience with
DocBook, but is there a way people can upload sets of images that
apply to their own installation? So when you use it to produce
documentation, you'd specify a particular set of images?  That would
make it a lot more generally useful.

Just curious. I think "example of" makes sense, and would be a lot
more efficient than trying to produce a lot of generic images.


Sarah Childs
Senior Cataloger
Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library
Zionsville, Indiana
317-873-3149 ext. 13330

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