[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] 2012 EG Conference Keynote Speakers

Borger, Shauna SBorger at library.IN.gov
Fri Dec 16 11:47:55 EST 2011

Hello everyone!

I am delighted to announce the keynote speakers for the 2012 Evergreen International Conference!

Jono Bacon, Community Manager at Ubuntu, will kick off the conference on Thursday by sharing his passion for open source and his experience in working with open source communities worldwide! Being deeply involved and committed to the world of open source, Bacon will discuss the opportunity behind engaging the open source community. He will highlight the core areas of growing a community and will illustrate his discussion by using Ubuntu as an example and describe how Ubuntu has grown the global Ubuntu community. http://www.jonobacon.org/about/

Galadriel Chilton, Electronic Resources Manager at the University of Connecticut and Indiana University graduate, will entertain and energize attendees on Friday by illustrating how important open source projects are to libraries through a fun and engaging comparison of libraries (as a habitat) and librarians/library staff (as a species) to an evolutionary biologist's study of non-human animal survival. Through examples and stories, she will describe how survival of the fittest through competition is a misconception and that survival through cooperation leads to not only surviving, but thriving, and as some evolutionary biologists suggest, morality. Further, she will look at how integral - especially during times of economic collapse and deep budget cuts - cooperation is for libraries not just to survive but to evolve and how/why it is imperative that this cooperation move beyond sharing collections into the continued development of our tools and infrastructure such as open source systems like Evergreen. http://www.linkedin.com/pub/galadriel-chilton/2b/411/183

More information on each presenter is available at our blog: http://evergreen2012.org/?page_id=5


Shauna Borger
Evergreen Indiana Coordinator

Indiana State Library
140 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
sborger at library.in.gov<mailto:sborger at library.in.gov>

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