[OPEN-ILS-DOCUMENTATION] Documentation for Adding Holdings with Monograph Parts

sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us
Wed Dec 21 12:49:05 EST 2011

Thanks for your response, Kathy. It was very helpful. A few more
comments and questions below.

> You can add a part to an existing item by using the "replace
> barcode"
> option from holdings maintenance.

Wow--I don't think I ever would have guessed that. I checked both
the volume editor and copy editor, came up short, and was stumped.
I wonder how many times I would have had to re-barcode something
before I noticed the parts drop-down list?

Maybe the Replace Barcode function should be renamed somehow? 
Replace Barcode/Edit Parts perhaps?  Replace Barcode is so
self-explanatory it doesn't exactly scream "Check hear for
additional functionality!"

 When using the unified
> copy/volume
> editor, you can also add/edit a part by selecting "edit items."

I might have thought trying this eventually, and I went ahead and
tested it out. I see the Equinox Documentation on this hasn't been
posted to the DIG site yet. Is someone reviewing it?

In the section about turning on the interface, it also doesn't
specify permissions needed. I figured it was going to be like
turning on a toggle bar, but apparently you need to use an admin
log-in and it affects the whole site, not just the work-station
(or more, depending on context?) I'd suggest that be spelled out,
or there should be some link/reference to other documentation on
the Library Setting Editor.

> This is something that should probably be incorporated into the
> documentation for "Using the Copy Editor to Make Changes." In
> looking
> at the 2.1 documentation outline -
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs_2.1:outline
> - it
> looks like we're still looking for a volunteer to create those
> docs.

I'll be working on cataloging documentation for 2.1 for Indiana
next month. If no one else gets to this by then, I can probably
generate a non-Indiana specific version.

A cross-reference to this info from the Adding Holdings with
Monograph Parts section might not be a bad idea, either.

Sarah Childs
Senior Cataloger
Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library
250 North Fifth Street
Zionsville, IN 46077
317-873-3149 x13330
sarahc at zionsville.lib.in.us

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