evergreen cataloging Re: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] RE: Open-ils-general Digest, Vol 11, Issue 11

Jason Etheridge jasone at georgialibraries.org
Mon May 7 11:46:52 EDT 2007

On 5/7/07, Fitzgerald, Carol <Carol_Fitzgerald at nrel.gov> wrote:
> The reason we want the record in the staff pac (as opposed to a "wish
> list"), is so the title will come up when we conduct a search of the
> collection prompted by a request for the title.  We do not, however,
> want the title to display in the opac because we do not physically (and
> may never) have the item.

In Evergreen, all records are visible in the staff version of the
catalog, regardless of how their visibility is calculated for the
public version of the catalog.  It's also worth noting, that aside
form that, the catalogs are basically the same, though the staff
client has hooks into the embedded PAC for such things as MARC
editing, etc.

The infrastructure is there for record level notes (but there's no
interface for it currently), but I assume you could also put notes in
the MARC to clarify why a record is sitting around without any
attached items.  So Evergreen can handle this as is currently.

Thanks Carol,

Jason Etheridge
GPLS -- PINES Development

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