[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] More bookbag feature ideas

Karen Schneider kgs at esilibrary.com
Mon Oct 6 15:42:38 EDT 2008

Since we're talking bookbags (and UPEI has some interesting use cases
btw)... here's some stuff gathered from various corners of the Evergreen

* An option to display bookbags when users are logged in, say, in the left
menu (again, some libraries won't want this)

* An option to easily return to the bookbag list after displaying an item in
the bag

* Ability to sort; or, at minimum, some default sort that kinda makes sense,
like alpha

* Deduping (right now you can add the same record repeatedly)

* A better return from dynamic item details -- go to
bookbag/title/record/dynamic details; you can't return to My Title List. I
don't know if that's an artifact of the dynamic-ness or what.

* Offering bookbag *functions* in the LH menu (optionally, of course)

* Relabeling/rdesigning so "add to bookbag" is next to "place hold" in
results display (it's there, but buried in an oblique drop-down)

* An option to display items, not records, at the top bookbag level,
especially for libraries that are single-site or have consistent call #s  --
in other words, not having to drill down to get the call # and location

* In July, when I was asking about bookbags, a couple of people mentioned
that having "basket" ability to pick items from search results would be
useful for adding items to the bookbag. This is more of a "basket" feature
for Evergreen overall than bookbag-specific -- however, so noted!

Some of these ideas may conflict or may not work in the field... but the
general idea is to take a good feature (bookbags) and make it more
accessible and useful.

| Karen G. Schneider
| Community Librarian
| Equinox Software Inc. "The Evergreen Experts"
| Toll-free: 1.877.Open.ILS (1.877.673.6457) x712
| E-Mail/AIM: kgs at esilibrary.com
| Web: http://www.esilibrary.com
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