[OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Pivot table feature in reports

OdonLibrarian at aol.com OdonLibrarian at aol.com
Wed Apr 21 16:54:16 EDT 2010

In a message dated 4/21/2010 2:09:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
gtuttle at prlib.org writes:

I’ll try answering my  own questions on the pivot table feature in the 
Evergreen  Reports: 
Documentation?  No. 
***Response:  I  haven't seen any. 
Table grand totals?  No, one has to do that manually. 
***Response:  Haven't  found any other option. 
Pivot table option  availability? Only on reports with a count or count 
distinct display. Not  available with a cash or money report.. 
***Response:  I  played around with this and managed to form a table with 
total cash payments  by month. 
This seems to be the  deal.  You need three pieces of data -- the column 
labels (pivot field),  the row labels, and the data in the cells formed by the 
row and column  intersections.  I've never tried anything other than time 
for column  labels -- generally months but it could be years or days or 
hours.  There  can be many rows.  For example, you can tabulate how much money 
was  collected each month for each workstation.  Column header is month, row  
label is workstation, cell is the sum of the collections.  Or you can  
calculate how many items circulated from each shelving location in a  particular 
time period.  Column header (pivot field) is time, row label  is shelving 
location, cell is total count of circulations.  Three fields  in the template 
-- one for the column headers (pivot  column), one for row labels, and one 
number for each row label fitting  the various column headers. 
I'm sure there  are possibilities for column headers other than time.  I 
just  haven't discovered any of them yet. 
Marsha Lynn
Odon Winkelpleck Public  Library
Odon, IN 
_OdonLibrarian at aol.com_ (mailto:OdonLibrarian at aol.com) 
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